Saying Goodbye for Now

It doesn’t get any easier, folks. I had to say goodbye to another precious saint of God. Mary Anne Copelin, my spiritual mother, mentor, and friend, was 91 years old.

This woman of God was a true doer of the Word, believed in having a prayer life, and always sitting on ready. She was a Bible teacher, a missionary, an author, a powerhouse, and a force of nature! She touched all who came across her path. She knew the Word of God and flowed under the anointing. She always said she’d rather miss God in trying to be obedient than miss Him in not trying.

Mrs. C first came into my life some 35 years ago. At the time, I was an empty shell. Broken. And undone. Mrs. C picked me up, dusted me off, and took me under her wing. Then she loved me, schooled me, and encouraged me. She allowed me to cry countless times and bare my soul. I didn’t always like or agreed with everything she suggested, but I respected her knowledge and sound wisdom.

I learned much from her; some lessons took a while to sink in. I came to the realization that I am a spiritual being. I need to be who I am and not try to imitate someone else. I need to love myself first, in order to love others. The self I need to reject is the “flesh” which dominates my soul. The flesh will abuse or misuse my personality. In order for me to have a healthy self-respect, I must see myself as a person of dignity and worth. The one who has no self-worth or self-esteem tends to hide behind a mask. Been there, done that.

Over the years, I’ve met and have come to know many wonderful and dear sisters in the Lord; many are friends to this very day. It was through Mrs. C’s ministry that I met another saint of God, Elizabeth Bearden, whom we also grew to love and even cared for her in her later years until she crossed over to be with the Lord.

Yes, I am grateful that this one woman enriched my life and instilled in me hope for change. Throughout my own personal struggles and setbacks, she pushed me forward and taught me the importance of God’s grace.

So, Mary Anne, I say so long for now. Thank you for your life and for treating me like a loving daughter, even when I didn’t feel so loving. I thank God for knowing you and for being a vital part of not only my life but the lives of my family as well. We will miss you until we see you again.



Filed under Legacy

16 responses to “Saying Goodbye for Now

  1. Mary, thanks for visiting me today and leaving tracks to follow you home. I’ll mark you follow and learn more about you as time goes on. This was a nice salute to a noble woman. I’m sure she was proud of you.


    • Hey Oneta! Thanks so much for the kind words! She was special alright and many will miss her; left a hole in my heart. Glad to hear that you followed my tracks LOL. I’m following you too! Happy New Year!


  2. Mary, so sorry for your loss. God always places the right people in our lives at just the right time. His timing is perfect. Thank you for sharing how Mrs. C enriched and blessed your life. Knowing you and so many lives she touched will miss her earthly presence, but rejoicing with you that she is now in the arms of Jesus. Many blessings this Christmas season to you and yours.


  3. I’m so sorry for your loss. My condolences.


  4. You are so blessed to have such a godly woman in your life. I believe that many women will say about YOU what you wrote about her: “. . . this one woman enriched my life and instilled in me hope for change. Throughout my own personal struggles and setbacks, she pushed me forward and taught me the importance of God’s grace.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Holly Jane Gershbein

    Sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her! You both enriched each other’s lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Debbie schkade

    Sorry for your loss of such a blessed sister in Christ. Glad for the time you had with her to grow in your faith.


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