Running In Heels: A Memoir of Grit and Grace

Front cover

Author: Mary A. Pérez
Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational, Memoir, Nonfiction
Tags: Mary A. Pérez, Memoir, Running in Heels, New Release, Book Club Edition
Publisher: Stellar Communications
Publication Year: 2016

“More than a memoir—this book is a promise of hope for anyone who was abandoned as a child, to anyone who woke up hungry and went to bed hungrier every day, for every wife who has loved a husband who left bruises on her heart and on her body.”

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Somewhere between stealing cold cuts from stray cats and watching a stranger leave her mother’s bed after breaking in through their bedroom window, Mary figured out that her family was dirt poor. Worse than her empty stomach, she was hungry for acceptance and love. She thought she found it when her baby sister was born and she became her “mommy”, taking care of her needs as best she could at the age of seven. Then she had to say goodbye over a small white casket.

Mary’s grandparents, first generation immigrants from Puerto Rico, took her in and gave her a glimpse of faith and stability. For a brief, shining spell, she had a real home—until they decided that Mama needed her. They may have been right, but Mama needed more than a little girl could give and Mary lost her way again.

Just out of Juvy Hall, Mary found a knight in shining armor to take her away. She became a teenage bride to a man twice her age—a man as deeply enslaved to booze as every “step-dad” she’d had as a child. She loved him anyway, even wearing the bruises he gave her, even when she tried to leave him to give their children a better life. Despite her fear and loneliness, she never imagined it would take a gunshot in the middle of the night to teach her courage. She was even more surprised when rediscovered faith paved the path to forgiveness after so many years of pain.

Running in Heels is a memoir of the grit and grace that carried a young girl through the shadows of her mother’s choices and on through an abusive marriage. Mary A. Pérez narrates an incredible story of survival in the face of hopelessness, and learning to forgive against all odds.

A story of coming of age, and coming into grace.

~ ~ ~ PRESS RELEASE ~ ~ ~

Stellar Communications interviews Mary A. Pérez

17 responses to “Running In Heels: A Memoir of Grit and Grace

  1. Angel

    Leave a lasting iimpression so they can remember the show


  2. Thanks Mary! I just got your book on Amazon. Already had a quick glance through, I’m expecting it will be captivating and emotional. Looking forward to reading it!!


  3. I’m very picky in what I read and this book “Running in Heels,” I have to say, was on of those books that did not take me long to read because I had a hard time putting it down. It’s very well written and it made you feel you were right there experiencing what Mary was feeling and going through. For what she went thru and survived, it is all amazing. Thanks, Mary Perez, for opening up your soul to tell us we all can survive and be happy.


  4. Gladysplaza

    Mary orgullosa de tu sangre latina.
    Te encontre de casualidad,estoy facinada con tu libro, todavia no esta en mis manos.siento que seras una de mis favoritas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for writing your story, Mary. I posted my review on my blog. Absolutely blessed by your story!


    • Joyce, I so appreciate readers like you who will – not only take the time and write a great review – but also take the time to reach out to me!I am blessed knowing that my story inspired you. Thank you again for your comments!


  6. Your book sounds very interesting. Looking forward to reading it.😃


  7. W. K. Tucker

    I see you are a “hero” in Mandy’s garden also, and any friend of Mandy’s is a friend of mine. 😊 I look forward to reading your blog AND your book.


  8. Congrats and best wishes on your book Mary! Thanks for the follow.
    blessings, Brad


  9. I just pre-ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it. All the best!


  10. This sounds like a one of those novels that stays with the reader for a long time, thanks so much for sharing your story, can’t wait to read it! NC


  11. Jessica

    Can’t wait to read your book!


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