Monthly Archives: January 2016

Remembering the Challenger Crew


From left: Ellison Onizuka, Mike Smith, Christa McAuliffe, Dick Scobee, Greg Jarvis, Ron McNair, and Judith Resnik.

“The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and ‘slipped the surly bonds of earth to ‘touch the face of God.’”

“Sometimes, when we reach for the stars, we fall short.

But we must pick ourselves up again and press on despite the pain.”

President Ronald Reagen, Jan. 28, 1986

About "Running in Heels: A Memoir of Grit & Grace"


January 28, 2016 · 10:04 PM

My Story


One of my cousins from across the miles posed a couple of great questions, giving me food for thought. He asked:

Why do you write? And why do you write about the family?

My answer to him:

First of all, I write because I know I have a story to tell. As a kid, eventually, I discovered we were dirt poor. In my teens looking back, I realized that I was neglected and forced to grow up too fast. I was ashamed of my childhood and bitter for being my mama’s mother. As I “matured,” settled down, married, and had children of my own, along the way I found I was a stronger person because of some of the things that I endured as a child. Once I embraced the God of my grandparents, I became a much better person, too. NOT that I had it all together; I still had a few things to learn. But I learned that it was much better to let go of the bitterness and to forgive than to hold onto the junk. I also learned that I didn’t have to be a product of my environment! I could rise above the ashes like a phoenix and become so much better. That was my freedom — still is — and God has called us to liberty, not to be in prison. Sure I made some mistakes along the way, but I learned from them as well. It starts with a made-up mind! While I’ve managed to confront my past, I believe my past hasn’t spoiled me, but has prepared me for the future. I may not be perfect but whenever I stumble, I can wipe the crud off and walk on. I share my story that I might help one person – and if I have done that then I have done a good thing and God gets the glory.

I mention family because the little girl growing up — although she may have felt like she was all alone most times — was not an orphan and did not live on an island unto herself. There were others around who helped to nurture her in one fashion or another, even, the antagonists in her story. And yes, some were heroes. She cannot tell her story without mentioning those she looked up to. For it to be truthful, she had to address some real and raw emotions and mentioned the flaws — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The story is not fiction. It is written about how she remembers the events that took shape in her life as a child, a teenager, and into her adulthood. All the memories do not take her to a happy place. She has had to dig deep to find them. To some, those “happy” places may be simple and insignificant, but to her, they were her lifeline.

His response:

I am keeping this to remind me what it takes to be selfless.



I did not expect THAT answer 🙂

© M.A. Perez 2014, All Rights Reserved

About "Running in Heels: A Memoir of Grit & Grace"


Filed under Inspirational, Memoir, Running in Heels

Rise to the Occasion

Bucket list. I imagined I would. Some day. Always wanted to. But never really thought I’d actually go through with it.

My posse and me

I’ve been away on a mini-vacation, a road trip to San Marcus and to San Antonio. Not only did I go, but I went on this excursion with some great gal friends of mine. Overall, it was an exhilarating ride!

I learned a few things on this trip.

I learned that if you put your mind to a thing, you can fulfill a task (if you plan ahead). I learned that schedules don’t always go according to your plans. You may come across a few bumps and potholes along the way, and the winding roads of life may take a bit longer to get to your destination. And I learned that I don’t always do well during these obstacles. (Ahem.)

You see, my expectations may be to do thus and so, and once my mind is made up, I am in a wee bit hurry in getting there. But I also learned that it’s best to stop and smell the roses and make every second count. Because if you don’t, then you’ll regret that you didn’t do better when you easily could have. I learned (and I sometimes forget) to choose my battles and not all hiccups mean the end of the world! I learned that making each moment count are what makes every memory cherished. I learned that as much as I have strengths, I still have weaknesses that need work. Egads! I learned that growing older doesn’t necessarily mean you stop learning. I learned that no matter what, there is always something to be grateful for. And I learn (sort of already knew) that I have the bestest of friends! We love and accept one another–flaws and all–and if feeling down, we lift the other up!

So what did we do, you ask? You mean besides the driving, shopping, dining, visiting my in-laws, and shopping some more?

We went Up, Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon! 

Now those who know me know that I have acrophobia (not to be confused with arachnophobia, which I also happen to be but that’s another topic). Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have a fear of heights. Or is it a fear of falling? Either way, I tend to get the heebie-jeebies. I discovered I wasn’t the only one among us who was set on facing this fear. And so face it we did; we rose to the occasion. Matter of fact, I was so busy taking photos on my phone, I didn’t have much time to allow that nervousness to take over!

Before take off, once the pilot said to hop in, we (about fifteen total in all) scrambled up inside that basket (with a little assistance from the crew), howbeit somewhat clumsily with one of our legs unable to lower from the ledge of the basket down in our tight space. So much for dignity.

To Deborah, Judy and my new friend, LeAnn: Thanks for the memories. What’s next?

For your enjoyment, here are a few photos of our adventure.

Deborah & Judy

Deborah & Judy

LeAnn and myself

LeAnn and myself










Just about ready for take off.


All for one and one for all!











Up, up, and away!

Up, up, and away!

3100 feet up

The Adventure-etts: 3100 feet up!

Beautiful Sunset

Beautiful Sunset


© M.A. Pérez 2016, All Rights Reserved

Your life is like a balloon…if you never let yourself go, you will never know how far you can rise.


January 16, 2016 · 9:10 PM

Our Queen Elizabeth

Remember Elizabeth? We still care for her. My husband and daughter are in the construction business together. Whenever all three of us have to work, Amy then steps in and cares for her while we’re gone.

Elizabeth loves people. She’s always been full of life, charm, and plenty of spirit. Although frailer than before, she still believes in 90% attitude and 10% circumstance. Her favorite song: No matter what the circumstances, what I feel or see – the Word of God is working mightily in me.

Elizabeth loves to laugh, crack a joke, watch the Kentucky Derby, and cackle at America’s Funniest Videos. She loves The Lawrence Welk Show and would go right on dancing if only she could.

I’ve known her for over thirty-five years. She may not be able to walk anymore, she may have limitations, or forget what day it is, or if it’s morning or night. But her heart continues to beat. Her wit is still sharp, as well as her tongue.

They say the Lord sometimes works in mysterious ways. A few years back due to circumstances beyond our control, we needed a place to call home. Elizabeth needed someone reliable and dependable to care for her. She pointed out the obvious and insisted upon the arrangement. Bonds were sealed. Hearts were mended.

While we attend to Elizabeth’s daily necessities, she is grateful and cannot express enough how much she appreciates us. But believe me when I say: It is she who has enriched our lives and we are grateful for her.

Once upon a time a horse and buggy rushed a mother to the hospital to give birth to a little girl. The year was 1911. It is a fact that Elizabeth was a one-year-old during the Titanic. Yes, she will be 105 years young on January 6th.

As the Lord continues to give us the grace needed daily in performing this important task, He reminds us how much sweet Elizabeth is teaching us about life.

To know our Queen Elizabeth is to love her!

As I age, may I emulate her God-giving longevity and passion for living life to its fullest.


Elizabeth, 40 yrs.

“Lord, teach me to number my days so that I may apply my heart unto wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

About "Running in Heels: A Memoir of Grit & Grace"


Filed under Centenarian, Elderly Care

3rd Year Anniversary w/ WordPress

A few more months will mark my 3rd year anniversary with WordPress. Things have picked up quite a bit since 2013 when I first started! Matter of fact, I feel as if I’m on a roller coaster traveling faster and farther with my hair blowing in the wind and the sun shining on my face! It’s been an exhilarating ride.
Here are a few stats from the last 12 months:

  • 71 new posts
  • 2,038 faithful followers – WordPress, FaceBook, Bloglovin’, Twitter
  • 12,818 views to date – U.S. being number one, followed by Brazil, China, United Kingdom, Canada, Philippines, Australia, Italy, France, India, Japan, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Puerto Rico, Germany, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Argentina, Singapore, Ireland, Pakistan, Indonesia, Greece, Peru, Norway, New Zealand…

Tied for the most viewed posts besides the






The 2nd most viewed post is



And the 3rd most viewed post is






in 4th place

Most commented was



  • Most popular topics were: family, memoir, amusing, personal, prayer
  • My top commenter: Sandra DiGiovanni

My followers know that I have recently published my first book,  “RUNNING IN HEELS: A MEMOIR OF GRIT AND GRACE.” The “experts” said that a newbie (yours truly) should have a writer’s platform. So I started a FACEBOOK WRITER’S FAN PAGE and three years ago, began blogging about past and current events.

I’ve been especially happy since signing up with for its user-friendliness and easy to navigate.

From time to time, I do include short excerpts from my book, and to my delight, you the readers are wanting and asking for more. This is good! Since I started blogging, I have re-connected with friends, acquaintances, and yes, family members from across the miles. I have made many new friends and fellow bloggers who not only take the time to read but to leave positive comments and inspiring feedback. This is great!

Bottom line: I feel blessed beyond measure. And I appreciate each and every one of you for visiting my site–newcomers and old–and sticking with me throughout this journey to the finish line.

I’m constantly being asked, “WHAT’S NEXT?” The more I hear of other ladies’ stories of survival, the more I feel their voices need to be heard. My plan is to interview some of these survivors of domestic violence and abuse and have their stories heard. I am desiring women (or men) who have healed and moved on to a better place in spite of what they’ve been through, from those who are not bitter but better. Stories that will inspire and help others who may be going through a difficult situation and feel hopeless.

Feel free to leave a comment about topics that interest you most.

Thank you again for your support and following this blog!

About "Running in Heels: A Memoir of Grit & Grace"


Filed under Blogging, Reflections From the Heart, Stories, Wordpress Anniversary