What’s Next? Outreach Project

I’m constantly being asked, “What’s next?” The more I hear of other ladies’ stories of survival, the more I feel their voices need to be heard. My plan is to interview some of these survivors of domestic violence and abuse and have their stories heard. I am desiring women (or men) who have healed and moved on to a better place in spite of what they’ve been through, from those who are not bitter but better. Stories that will inspire and help others who may be going through a difficult situation and feel hopeless.

I’d like to introduce you to my new gorgeous friend, Crystal Martin: She is a devoted wife and a fit mother of 4. A corporate woman. An entrepreneur. An advocate for domestic violence survivors. Last night, I had the privilege of interviewing her and was blown away by her incredible story of survival! I am happy to say she is a total woman: healed, stronger, and quite successful, today because of everything she’s been through.

I am thrilled that she will be a part of my next writing project – a compilation of stories about women who have survived domestic violence in an abusive marriage. These stories need to be told, and their voices need to be heard. It is our desire that these testimonies, experiences, and life lessons will serve to truly help and inspire anyone who may still be in an abusive relationship. To let them know that they are not alone and hopefully will see that they, too, can move forward and know that they can let go of that victim and limited mindset and lifestyle and come out a better person in spite of what they’ve been through.

Should you be someone (male or female) who has a story of hope and survival to share, I just may include you in my next book! After our interview, if you’d rather remain anonymous, you may do so. Please contact me.

Remember: God loves you just the way you are, He loves you too much to leave you that way!



Filed under book project, Outreach

3 responses to “What’s Next? Outreach Project

  1. God bless you Mary! ❤


  2. Hope is such a powerful thing and that is what you are giving women who are currently in, or struggling with moving beyond an abusive relationship. Helping them to understand their true value and embrace their self-worth are life-saving and this is what you are doing. You are a remarkable woman with a remarkable calling.


  3. I agree…these stories need to be told.


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