This Thing Called Tears – Part II

Have your emotions ever run amuck? Without warning or preparation, it hits you between the eyes (or as in my case, the tear gland).

Allow me to share some recent experiences with you.

A friend of mine shared a music video with me and I turned it up to listen as I drove home. I was reminded of the goodness of the Lord. It wasn’t about me, it was all about Him. The next thing I knew, my heart was elated and I couldn’t help but rejoice in the God whom I serve! I was able to focus on the Lord in Who He is, and all He has done in my life. My spirit was lifted; my heart lightened. What a refreshing moment!

“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

Well, last week was a bit rough for me in a technical sense. I am not very tech savvy, but my internet was acting up which affected my phone line and prevented me from doing my job satisfactorily – until it was finally fixed; which wasn’t soon enough for my taste! The frustrations built from within, and I felt defeated. Once I left the office, the damn had burst. I cried. And prayed.

“You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle.” (Psalms 56:8)

The other day when I arrived home from work, my husband told me to check out the progress of the repairs he’d been doing in the front room. I went in there, looked around, and yep, you guessed it, started crying! I was pleasantly surprised because, after so much construction mess, I could finally see the light. I saw how it was going to look once painted! My heart was filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. Yes, I had a moment! I stayed there a while. The funny thing is when I went to my husband, he looked at me and immediately was concerned asking what was wrong, what had happened. My daughter also saw me and jumped up, thinking something had happened! But these were tears of joy … and it all sprung up and surprised me as well.

There’s a time and season for everything. In the good, praise God! In the bad when things are rough, praise God!

“A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

© M.A. Perez 2022, All Rights Reserved

Please check out my first blog about tears:

And who can forget this timeless song below by The Byrds?


Filed under emotions

5 responses to “This Thing Called Tears – Part II

  1. Cousin Danny

    As your eldest cousin … on this side of the pond, my only comment is that we need more of you and HIM. You to help us remember our place in infinity and HIM to help us attain it in His presence.


  2. carolricketsongmailcom

    That’s really good MaryAnn you did a great job 👏🤗💕


  3. Deborah Hulen

    I’ve always loved that song by the Byrds.♡


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