Category Archives: Birthday

The Wind Beneath My Wings

You are God’s gift to me. From day one, I was drawn to your tenderness, warmth, and laughter, and loved your adventurous spirit for the outdoors and watching you with my children. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for choosing me and to remain by my side as my amazing hubby, confidant, and my bestest friend! You still light up my life and are the wind beneath my wings. May the Lord continue to watch over you and give us precious years together, believing that the best years are yet to come. I love you.


Filed under Birthday, birthday blessings

New Year’s Birthday Bash

A late post–better late than never–worth sharing, especially with all the negative happenings in our world of late.

So what does one do when a New Year’s Baby turns 40?

She throws a Masquerade Party!

My baby girl, who many call my mini-me, lit up the room when she entered. She threw one of the best parties ever. It was so much fun to dress up and see the different outfits and masks others wore. With great decor, music, dancing, food, and just plain fun, what more could you ask for?

Here is a video and a few photos. Hope you enjoy!


Filed under Birthday, New Year

Build Me a Son

Dedicated to my precious son. Happy Birthday Daniel. Thank you for being the son described in this beautiful prayer by General Douglas MacArthur. I love you with all my heart!

“Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; a son who will know Thee — and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge.

Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges. Here let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail …

Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of sense of humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously.

Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength.

Then, I, his father [mother], will dare to whisper, ‘I have not lived in vain.’”

What is your prayer for your child? We will probably never achieve the level of accomplishment of General Douglas MacArthur, but when all is said and done, what will make us whisper “I have not lived in vain”.


Filed under Birthday, son

Celebrating the Birthday Boy




Happy Birthday to my hubby, confidant and best friend! You still light up my life, the wind beneath my wings.







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Age. Aging. Ageless.

I rarely think about my age but the body has a way of reminding me whenever I throw my back out or my knee pops. And yes, in the mirror I sometimes notice an extra line here, another wrinkle there, and as I gaze upon certain areas of my physique I find myself wondering, where did “it” go and when did “that” change?

From time to time I muse about my early years in having to grow up so fast, and then in my teens and young adulthood in raising four children. Next thing I knew my twenties were gone, and my marriage was deteriorating. Divorced in my thirties (I felt like a failure but ya know, the world did not end), and remarried by my mid-thirties (thank God for new beginnings). I can shout from the rooftop that no marriage is so good that it can’t be made better! (You see, I’ve been married most of my life.) Then when I approached my early forties, the seasons changed again for me, this time, embracing the wonders of grand-parenting.

So, in my fifties, as I reflect on this aging process—knowing I certainly don’t have all the answers—I’ve learned a thing or two about what life has dealt me.

I read in Psalms 90:12: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”  This passage speaks to me and tells me to make each day count. I must remember to live in the present, not in the yesterdays or in the tomorrow. I must laugh often, love deeply, pray sincerely, and believe that my best days are before me.

As my birthday quickly approaches around the corner (like tomorrow the 27th), I can’t help but think: have I done all I ever wanted to do? Of course, the answer is a resounding: Not even close. Am I running out of time? I believe life is a gift from God and I’ll take each day and cherish the moment. He is the reason for every good thing, every heartbeat, and every second chance.

Age … aging … ageless …?

I’ll take ageless!

I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds my tomorrow.



Filed under Aging, Birthday

In the Thrill of It All


Once again, my birthday was planned by my beautiful and creative daughter, Anna Marie. She has always believed in and supported my writing endeavors, so I’ve started calling her my publicist. While I was on vacation, back home she rallied up my hubby, and her siblings, as well as secretly contacted my list of friends. (I believe she even hacked into my FaceBook account, for goodness’ sake!) The outcome was a wonderful, surprise birthday celebration for yours truly.

To my delight, I realized that my daughter planned out a theme for my birthday this year to honor me. She centered the theme with “Running in Heels,” the working title of my completed memoir. She designed and printed out bookmarks, created a decorated donation box, and had taken up a collection from donators who believe in my work.

This cloud-nine feeling of such love, support and all that took place was surreal. I can’t imagine EVER getting used to having people who truly are fans and those who faithfully remain in my corner while cheer-leading me onward toward the finish line. I have been deeply touched and I am grateful. But my work is not yet over.


Yes, I am the author of this story. I lived and survived those years. I wrote the words on the pages through hours upon hours, throughout the night when sleep escaped me, and upon every available moment when at home in front of the computer or jotting down on a writing tablet. To my dear friends and family who have made this birthday gal feel loved and special, to the readers and fellow bloggers who’ve encouraged my work, and to my supporters who went and will continue to go above and beyond, words cannot express the gratitude that is in my heart. Together we shall make a difference. Together we shall see this project completed.

From my heart to yours one beat at a time.


© M.A. Pérez 2014, All Rights Reserved


Filed under Birthday, memoir book project

Birthday Boy


Celebrated hubby’s birthday.

Cooked him a nice lasagna meal with the family.


Hard to believe that this good-looking boy

would waltz into my life one day.

As an added bonus, gave hubby a surprise party with friends the next day.


He completes me.

He had a rugged, but kind, short-bearded face

Happy Birthday, Mark.


Filed under Birthday

My Hubby

It’s been a challenging week, but it’s been a fulfilling week. Fighting colds and congestion, while still trying to maintain the many schedules, appointments, and deadlines.

In all the hustle and bustle, I reflect and remain grateful to the Lord. I am thankful for God’s provisions. He gives me life, health (the bug has passed), sanity, creativity, purpose, family, and friends. I am thankful for His grace, for when I am weak then am I made strong in Him.

Today is my helpmate’s birthday.

We will celebrate his life, his character, and his being.

We love “being” with him.




You tolerate my trivia,

laugh at my lunacy

and care when I cry.

That’s what I call TLC.

~Source Unknown.

© M.A. Perez, 2013, All Rights Reserved


July 21, 2013 · 11:49 AM