My One Lovely Blog Award


I am honored to receive the One Lovely Blog Award. This award acknowledges up-and-coming bloggers who share their story, thoughts, or content in a beautiful manner that connects with their viewers and followers. The goal of the award is to give recognition to newer, up-and-coming, bloggers to help them reach more viewers.

Thank you LaTanya Davis and Clara Freeman for nominating my blog! I had fun sharing a little about myself and reading your blogs!

The guidelines for accepting the One Lovely Blog Award are:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post and/or blog.
  • Share 7 facts or things about yourself
  • Nominate bloggers you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

7 Things About Me

  1. I am 5’8″ – taller than all my girls; thank God, not taller than my son.
  2. Me no like spiders.
  3. Me no like heights.
  4. I enjoy eating quail.
  5. My Dream Vacation: Puerto Rico.
  6. Favorite pets: cats.
  7. My grandchildren keep me feeling young.
  8. (Bonus) A newborn’s first cry makes me cry. Always! Whether in a movie, on TV, or real life – it doesn’t matter – I will start sobbing.
  9. (An added bonus) I love Jesus!

My long awaited nominees are:

  1. Mandy @
  2. Cindy @
  3. Clara @
  4. Carole @
  5. Betty @
  6. Pastor Joe @
  7. Cathy @
  8. Tilly @
  9. Kath @
  10. Debby @
  11. Levi @


10 responses to “My One Lovely Blog Award

  1. LaTanya Davis

    You are welcome, Mary! It’s so awesome to see that I know several of the people on your list of nominees. Deserving bloggers indeed!


  2. Congratulations Mary! I look forward to interacting more with you. God bless!


  3. Thank you for your kind thoughtfulness! ❤


  4. Hi Mary. I’m touched that you added me to your prestigious list of bloggers! Thank you for considering me. 🙂


  5. mandy

    Mary, congratulations! You are soooo deserving of this recognition! I love learning these new things about you–we have a lot in common (I cry when ANYONE cries, though, lol.)
    Also, thank you for nominating me. I’m honored, to say the least! I’m so grateful for the way we are all brought together to forge new friendships! And I’m so glad you found a place on your blog for your little “HERO” award!! You certainly make my garden a lovelier place! ♥


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